Cuman 2 TC Boom + Trush (Arena)
Build Guide by Mercy
Build Overview
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2 Houses
Two Villagers build one, one Villager builds the other
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When finished, send them to Sheep
Send your new Villagers to Sheep
Pushing Deer
You should only eat 1 Sheep and take all of your Deer immediately afterwards. You can scout the inside of your base with the rest of your Sheep while your Scout pushes the Deer.
Lumber Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood
Luring Boar
Lure your Boar when you start eating from your last Deer, which, if you have 3 Deer, is before creating your 11th Villager.
Send your Villager to collect meat from the Boar
Send your new Villager to build a house. Build it near the front of your base so that it can be part of a second layer of walls later on.
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When finished, send them to Boar under your TC (or to build the Mill instead of your 13th Villager)
Send your new Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
Send your new Villagers to collect meat from the Boars. Lure in your second Boar in time.
(Stone) Mining Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Mining Camp next to your Stone
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When finished, send them to Stone
Research Loom in your Town Center
Queue Feudal Age
Queue Feudal Age in your Town Center
Take 4 Villagers from hunt to...
As soon as you click up, distribute your Hunters to varying resources as noted below. Send the rest of your Hunters (4) to Sheep as soon as your last Boar finishes, which will be around the time you click up to Feudal Age as well.
Take 3 Villagers from hunt to...
Send your Villagers to collect wood at your Lumber Camp. You now have 6 Villagers collecting Wood at your Lumber Camp.
Take 2 Villagers from hunt to...
Straggler tree
Send your Villagers to collect wood from the same straggler tree next to your Town Center
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Shift queue them to Sheep under your Town Center
Take 1 Villager from hunt to...
Send your Villager to collect stone
Take 3 Villagers from hunt to...
Send your Villagers to collect from the Berries next to your Mill
As soon as you are around 35% up...
Send your 4 Shepherds forward to the opponents base. The precise timing depends on your distance to them.
Build a House with any Villager (not collecting stone). Build it near the front of your base so that it can be part of a second layer of walls later on.
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When finished, send them back to the resource your pulled them from.

Feudal Age
Use your 4 forward Villagers...
Watch Tower
Build a Watch Tower next to your opponents walls
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When finished, try to break through your opponents Walls
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Build a second Watch Tower when you have enough stone
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Continue pressuring the opponent with your forward Villagers by any means
Take 2 Lumberjacks from your Lumber Camp to build...
Town Center
Build a Town Center next to wood. Note that this will take a while to finish.
Double-Bit Axe
Research Double-Bit Axe in your Lumber Camp
Town Center
Send your Villager to help building the Town Center
Send your new Villagers to Sheep
Horse Collar
Research Horse Collar in your Mill
Build a Farm each time you have 60 wood and do not need to build a House. Gradually transition to a Farming economy.
Adapt from here
If your Tower Rush is going well, you have room to squeeze in an extra Villager or two to stone. If your Tower Rush is shut down, you can pull your Stone Miners to help finish your second Town Center faster.