Japanese 20pop MAA into Archers
Build Guide by lnz
Build Overview
expand_morePros & Cons
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2 Houses
Two Villagers build one, one Villager builds the other
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When finished, send them to Sheep
6 on Sheep
Send your first six Villagers to Sheep
Lumber Camp
Send your 7th Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
2 on Wood
Send another Villager to collect Wood for two total lumberjacks. Make sure to keep them together, on one side of the Lumber Camp, to avoid being sniped by your opponent's Scout.
Send your next Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
2 on Berries
Send another Villager to Berries for two total foragers.
Lure Boar
Send your 11th Villager to lure the nearest Boar
Add another House with your twelfth Villager, then send them to Berries.
+3 to Berries
Send your next three Villagers to Berries for 5 total forages.
Lure 2nd Boar
Send your 15th Villager to lure your 2nd Boar
+2 to Wood
Send two more Villagers to Wood
Send your 18th Villager to build: first a house,..
then a Barracks, ...
then to mine Gold.
(Gold) Mining Camp
Send your last Villager to build a Mining Camp next to your Gold
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When finished, send them to Gold
2 on Gold
Along with your former builder, you should have two goldminers now.
Research Loom in your Town Center
Queue Feudal Age
Our ideal uptime will be 9:15.
After Boar runs out and when 50 wood becomes available:
4 Hunters → 2nd Lumber Camp
Pull off four Hunters from under your TC and send them to build a second Lumber Camp on another woodline.
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Continue on Sheep with the remaining four.
On the way up:
Produce 3 Militia!
Queue up three Militia in your Barracks and walk them to your opponent's base.
Build another House before reaching the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age
Upgrade to Men-At-Arms and attack!
Try to do economic damage on your opponent's Berries , woodline or gold.
Archery Range
Build an Archery Range on the front of your base with 2 Villagers.
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Queue archers when done.
Double-Bit Axe
As soon as possible, research Double-Bit Axe in a Lumber Camp
↑4 on Gold
Go up to four Villagers on Gold to support your Range and start building a surplus for Fletching/Castle Age.
Horse Collar
Before seeding Farms, research Horse Collar in your Mill.
↑7 Farms
As your sheep and berries run outy seed 7 farms.
Your call!
The build ends here: normal transition would be to build a second Range and a Blacksmith for Fletching into Crossbow. Adapt to the game situation. Here's a few examples:
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Tower them if they try to FC: +3 to Stone, 4 forward.
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Add Spearmen vs Scouts: +wood, +farms.
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Add Stable and Scouts vs Skirmishers: +wood, +farms.