Tatars 23+2pop FC into CA
Build Guide by lnz
Build Overview
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2 Houses
Two Villagers build one, one Villager builds the other
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When finished, send them to Sheep
6 on Sheep
Send your first six Villagers to Sheep
Lumber Camp
Send your 7th Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
3 on Wood
Send your next Villagers to collect Wood for a total of 3 lumberjacks.
Send your 10th villager to build a house, then ...
... with the same villager:
Lure Boar
Send your new Villager to lure the nearest Boar
+3 to Sheep/Boar
Send your new Villagers to Sheep/Boar under TC for 10 total.
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Don't forget to lure your 2nd boar in time (~160 food left on 1st)!
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When finished with boar/deer, start taking sheep in two groups of 5.
Anytime during Dark Age,
Lure 2 Deer
Gather their food with 2-3 of your 10 boar vils.
+2 to Wood
Send your next 2 Villagers to collect Wood for 5 total lumberjacks.
Send your next Villager to build a house
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then to work on your Mill
Build a Mill on your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
↑5 on Berries
Send five Villagers to forage.
Gold Mining Camp
Build a Mining Camp next to your Gold
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When finished, send them to Gold
2 on Gold
Send your last two Dark Age Villagers to mine Gold
Research Loom in your Town Center
Queue Feudal Age
Ideal time for reaching the Feudal Age will be 10:30.
around 60% to Feudal:
Build a Barracks with a lumberjack or forager

Feudal Age
Using two lumberjacks, build a...
Archery Range
and a..
Build a Blacksmith
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Return to wood when finished.
+2 to Gold
Send your two Feudal Age Villagers to mine Gold
Queue Castle Age
Ideal time for reaching the Castle Age will be 14:00.
While advancing, ASAP:
Double-Bit Axe
Research Double-Bit Axe in a Lumber Camp.
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No Horse Collar for now, we will stay on <10 farms for a while.
When you run out of sheep:
10 shepherds → Wood & 2nd Lumber Camp
When you run out of sheep, send your shepherds to wood. Build a second Lumber Camp and spread them evenly.
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When finished, send them to Wood
At 50% to Castle,
House, Range, House
Send a villager (off berries) to build a house, then a 2nd range, then another house.
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Return to berries when done.
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Add houses as needed from here on out.
Gold Mining
Research Gold Mining at your Mining Camp when you can comfortably afford it. You can also do this after reaching Castle.

Castle Age
Produce CA and Villagers!
Keep it queued, there should be no downtime.
+5 on Gold
Set your gather point on gold and gradually re-arrange your economy until you reach the following spread:
Once you have amassed 6-8 CA,
Research Fletching and move out!
At this point, your economy is stable and growing. The build ends here.
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Feel free to upgrade your CA: Bodkin, Husbandry, Bloodlines, Ballistics, Armor...
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...or add economy: 2nd TC, Horse Collar, Farms, Bow Saw, ...