Malay 29+2pop FC into Elephants
Build Guide by lnz
Build Overview
expand_morePros & Cons
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2 Houses
Two Villagers build one, one Villager builds the other
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When finished, send them to Sheep
6 on Sheep
Send your first six Villagers to Sheep
Lumber Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
4 on Wood
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood
Lure Boar, 7 on boar
Send your new Villager to lure the nearest Boar. Along with your six starting shepherds, gather Food from Boar/Sheep until advancing.
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Don't forget to get your 2nd Boar lured in time (~120 Food left on 1st)!
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When both Boars are depleted, take Sheep.
Send your new Villager to build a house
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then build a Mill on Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
Send your new Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
5 on Berries
Send your next three new Villagers to Berries for 5 total foragers.
Send your new Villager to build a house
Lumber Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood
Send your new Villager to build a house
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then a Mill on Deer
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when finished, hunt Deer
Send your new Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
4 to hunt Deer
Send your next two Villagers to gather Food from Deer
(Gold) Mining Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Mining Camp next to your Gold
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When finished, send them to Gold
4 on Gold
Send your new Villagers to mine Gold
Research Loom in your Town Center
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You can skip this on Arena.
Queue Feudal Age
The perfect time for reaching the Feudal Age wil be 12:09.
Around this time...
...your Sheep will run out.
Give your former shepherds the follwing tasks:
Take 4 Villagers off Sheep to
+4 Farms
build four Farms around the TC
Take 2 Villagers off Sheep to
+2 to Wood
Chop Wood from two Straggler Trees
Take 1 Villager off to Sheep to build a
Build a Barracks on the front of your base
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When finished, also build another House

Feudal Age
Immediately after hitting Feudal:
Queue up 2 Villagers
Queue TWO Villagers in your TC.
Use your prior builder to build a Stable on the front of your base.
Take a Villager off Gold and build a
Build a Blacksmith
+2 to Wood
Send your two Feudal Age Villagers to collect Wood
Queue Castle Age
The perfect uptime will be 14:47.
While advancing:
Your Deer and Berries will run out
Send your Hunters and Foragers to Wood, but
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whenever 60 wood becomes available, add a farm.
Double-Bit Axe
Research Double-Bit Axe in a Lumber Camp
2nd Stable
Save up some wood and add a second Stable.
Take Villagers off Wood to
whenever you can afford the 60 Wood, build a Farm around your Mills or TC.

Castle Age
Queue up 2 Villagers
Queue up two Villagers in your Town Center. As more Food comes in, keep it queued! There shouldnt be any idle time.
Queue up Elephants
Start queueing Battle Elephants in both Stables, keep it queued.
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Once you have massed enough to do damage, move out!
Keep building Houses
Since you're constantly producing from three buildings, you need to continually add houses. It's okay to dedicate one villlager to this job.
+4 Farms
Send your next four Villagers to build Farms next to your Town Center or Mills
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Keep adding farms until you have 24 farmers.
Take Villagers off Wood to
Whenever you can afford it, keep adding Farms with Lumberjacks. Do not stop until you reach those 24.
+5 to Gold
Send your next 5 Villagers to mine Gold with 9 total miners.
to Wood/Farms
Keep your TC's gather point on wood, but add farms every 60 wood.
Stable Economy!
Your economy is stable and growing once you reach 40 villagers! You can continually produce Elephants from two Stables and Villagers from your TC. It's up to you what to do now:
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add Economy: Bow Saw, Horse Collar, 2nd and Third TC.
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invest into military upgrades: Armor, Husbandry, etc
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add another unit as support: Crossbowmen, Swordsmen, etc