Saracens 23+2pop FC Boom
Build Guide by lnz
Build Overview
expand_morePros & Cons
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
Build a House with two of your starting Villagers. The third (depending on the situation) can scout for sheep, chop some wood from straggler or immediately take sheep.
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Then go to sheep.
6 on Sheep
Send your new Villagers to Sheep
Build another House with your 7th Vil (8/10 population).
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then go to wood.
Lumber Camp
Pick a good woodline and build a Lumber Camp with your 7th and/or 8th Villager.
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When finished, send them to Wood
3 on Wood
Send your ninth Villager to collect Wood
Lure Boar
Send your tenth Villager to lure the nearest Boar
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After that, go to Food under TC.
+1 on Sheep/Boar
Send your new Villagers to Sheep or Boar
With ~120 Food left on first:
Lure 2nd Boar
Send one of your Villagers collecting from Boar to lure your 2nd Boar
After locating your Boar and Sheep:
Push 2-3 Deer!
This is essential for the build: Use your scout cavalry and lure a minimum of two deer under your TC. Harvest their Food with ~3 Boar Vils.
At 13/15 pop, add another House.
Send your new Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
5 on Berries
Send your new Villagers to Berries.
Send your new Villager to build a house
+2 to Wood
Send two more to Wood for 5 total lumberjacks.
4 Farms
Your last four Dark Age Villagers will build one Farm each around your TC.
Research Loom in your Town Center
Queue Feudal Age
Our ideal time for reaching Feudal is 10:30.
After clicking up, pull off two shepherds:
+2 to Wood
Send two Villagers from Sheep to your Lumber Camp.

Feudal Age
Queue up 2 Villagers
Queue up 2 Villagers in your Town Center
Market with 2 Builders
Immediately build a Market with TWO Vils.
Blacksmith with 1 Builder
Build a Blacksmith
+2 to Wood
Send your two Feudal Villagers to Stragglers or your Lumber Camp.
As soon as your Market completes
Sell 200 Wood at the Market!
This will give you enough Gold to advance.
Queue Castle Age
Our ideal time for reaching Castle is 14:00.
While advancing, you will run out of Deer/Sheep:
Build 2nd Lumber Camp
Send your former Shepherds to build a Lumber Camp on an independent woodline and spread out your Lumberjacks.
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When finished, send them to wood.
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You can pull off 1-2 Villagers to finish walling your base.
Also, while advancing, research your eco upgrades:
First Double-Bit Axe,
Research Double-Bit Axe in a Lumber Camp
then Horse Collar.
Research in your Mill
Since you're at 25/25pop, you should add another house. Add Houses as needed from here on, this guide won't mention it again.
Shortly before hitting Castle Age, you will run out of Berries:
Foragers will build TC
Walk your 5 Foragers to the another woodline where you will place your second Town Center. You can start chopping trees to kill time if you're still advancing. The timing should work out neatly.

Castle Age
Queue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2nd Town Center
Build your second Town Center with your five builders on a woodline.
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Once finished, set your gather point to wood and keep queueing Villagers.
Before adding your 3rd TC:
Bow Saw
Research the second wood upgrade in a Lumber Camp.
3rd Town Center
Build your third TC with ~2 Villagers on a Gold pile.
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Once finished, set your gather point to wood and keep it queued with Vils.
to Wood/Farms
Set your gather points to the closest woodlines, but immediately add a Farm whenever you're floating 60 or more Wood until you have about 21 Farms.
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21 Farmers is necessary to maintain 3 TCs producing.
After and only after building 21 Farms:
to Gold
Set one or more of your TCs gathering points to Gold.
Boom achieved!
Now you have a booming economy and can start to develop a game plan. The items below are possible options:
Defensive Siege Workshop
Add a defensive Siege Workshop if you're being pressured by Infantry or Archers.
Add 1-2 Monasteries and queue Monks if you're being attacked by heavy Cavalry. Get those relics!
Perfect your eco
Research Wheelbarrow, Heavy Plow and Gold Mining or even add a 4th TC.
Amass an army
Build ~4 production buildings and start building an upgrading the army of your choice. Saracens have good Archers, CA, Camels and Siege.