Britons 19pop Fast Archers
Build Guide by lnz
Build Overview
expand_morePros & Cons
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2 Houses
Two Villagers build one, one Villager builds the other
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When finished, send them to Sheep
5 on Sheep
Britons only need five Shepherds to maintain Villager production.
Lumber Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
2 on Wood
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood
Lure Boar
Send your new Villager to lure the nearest Boar
+3 on Sheep/Boar
Send your new Villagers to gather food from Boar or Sheep under your TC (9 total).
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Don't forget to get your 2nd Boar lured in time (at ~150 food left on 1st).
Optional, but recommended:
Push 2 Deer
Use your Scout Cavalry to lure two Deer into your TC and harvest their food with 3-4 villagers. You can do this anytime until early Feudal Age.
Send your new Villager to build a house,
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then a Mill on Berries,
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then to collect Berries.
Send your new Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
2 on Berries
Send these two Villagers to forage Berries.
+2 to Sheep/Boar
Send your new Villagers to Sheep or Boar under TC (11 total).
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If you cannot fully surround your boar or if it depletes, start taking sheep in groups of ~5.
+2 to Wood
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood at your first Lumber Camp. You should have 4 lumberjacks at this point.
(Gold) Mining Camp and 1 on Gold
Send your new Villager to build a Mining Camp next to your Gold
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When finished, send them to Gold
Research Loom in your Town Center
Queue Feudal Age
Perfect Feudal Age time will be 8:50.
Take 7 Villagers off Sheep and send them to
Spread them across your Lumbercamp (~7) and your Straggler Trees (~4).
before 60% to Feudal:
Build a Barracks.
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then also build a House.

Feudal Age
Queue up Villagers
Queue up two Villagers in your Town Center.
With two villagers:
Archery Range
Build an Archery Range
Double-Bit Axe
Research Double-Bit Axe in a Lumber Camp
Horse Collar
Research in your Mill
up to 5 on Gold
Send your new Villagers to mine Gold. 5 miners are enough to keep Archer production going and start building a surplus for Fletching and Castle Age.
If you didn't push Deer earlier:
Send your Shepherds to Berries
As you run out of Sheep, you can send your four Shepherds to the Mill to forage Berries. If you DID push Deer, you should be able to transition into farms directly.
Send your new Villagers to build Farms next to your Town Center or Mills
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood.
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Keep adding in Farms as wood becomes available and Houses as needed!
Build a Blacksmith
Research Fletching in your Blacksmith
Build a 2nd Lumber Camp.
Build a 2nd Lumber Camp and spread out your lumberjacks to keep them working efficiently.
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When finished, send them to Wood
If you haven't already:
Move out!
At this point you have amassed 6-8 Archers with Fletching, so it's time to engage the enemy.
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8 Archers with Fletching can two-shot an enemy Villager.