porto fast imp into organ, monk, treb.
Build Guide by dami
Build Overview
expand_morePros & Cons
expand_moreQueue up Villagers
Queue up as many Villagers as you can in your Town Center
2 Houses
Two Villagers build one, one Villager builds the other
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When finished, send them to Sheep
(IMPORTANT) You must push 3 deer for this build.
Push 3 deer minimum in darkage.
Send your new Villagers to Sheep
Send your new Villagers to collect Wood
Lure Boar
Send your new Villager to lure the nearest Boar
2-3 Houses
13th pop builds 2-3 houses.
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When finished, lure the 2nd boar.
Send your new Villagers to Sheep or Boar
Send your new Villager to build a Mill next to your Berries
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When finished, send them to Berries
Lumber Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Lumber Camp
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When finished, send them to Wood
(Stone) Mining Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Mining Camp next to your Stone
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When finished, send them to Stone
(Gold) Mining Camp
Send your new Villager to build a Mining Camp next to your Gold
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When finished, send them to Gold
Queue Feudal Age
Queue Feudal Age in your Town Center
When boar is done make 4 farms.
After clicking up you should have 5 on sheep
As you go through your sheep, build 2 more farms with 2 that are taking the sheep.
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1 villager builds 1 house when going to Feudal.

Feudal Age
you should have 3 villagers under the tc left over.
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1 Builds blacksmith
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2 builds market
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when done they build farms
+2 go to gold
Send your new Villagers to mine Gold
Queue Castle Age
Queue Castle Age in your Town Center
Double-Bit Axe
Research Double-Bit Axe in a Lumber Camp
Horse Collar
Research in your Mill (Optional, but you can still get it if you feel that youre gonna have a farm economy in imp.)

Castle Age
when berry villagers go through all berrys.
Build 5 farms around the mill. So you have 14 on farms,
Take your 4 from stone and build a castle.
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go back to stone.
As farms start to expire.
Start tasking them to stone till atleast you have 6 farmers going to stone.
Sell 300-400 wood until you have atleast 700 gold
Research Wheelbarrow in your Town Center
Research Imperial age.
Upon Clicking up to imperial
shift your farm vills to atleast have 10 on stone, wood, gold.
Gold Mining
Research Gold Mining at your Mining Camp (optional, but if you have food. its nice to get)
with your builder, make atleast 6-8 houses somewhere safe.
Build 2 Monasteries.

Imperial Age
pull 8 vills from wood to build 2 feitoria
send back to wood.(Can be done anytime in imp, ex: if you want to get monks/treb out first, then build feitoria later)
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4 builds a feitoria
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4 builds the other
Start creating organ guns, trebs and monks
Trebs to take down castles. Organs to push, and monks to convert if enemy has units on the field, very effective vs mangonel defense.
If feitorias are done, Make more villagers
Task them to either gold or wood. Keep 10 on stone. Can also task to old farms if you want faster food. But have it minimal compared to gold/wood.
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when you have 650 stone, build 2nd castle.
Monk Research.
(Important techs to put into consideration: Block printing, atonement if enemy is going monks. Redemption if enemy is going for siege defense.)
Imperial Age research.
Build a uni and research siege engineers asap as it gives you +1 range on your organs and trebs.
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If you can also afford it, research elite and Arquebus.